Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ps90: Does Has

Wanted to make a quick post and say that I have indeed finally gotten the ps90.

It was everything I hoped for, meaning its the coolest damn gun ever. I went out this weekend and shot with some family then shot with some friends.

Some fancy pictures and a real write up to follow but here's a quick shot of the gun in action...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ps90: Countdown

Excitement is going off the charts as the days count down to the ps90.

Over the weekend I went to a gun show and picked up a few things in preparation.

50 round magazine in all its lovely rapid-bullet-dispensing glory:

Ammo and ammo cans in the true ex-military, unibomber style.

And here is a drawing of a target I drew up. The goal is to be able to get 3 headshots at 100yds in as many seconds. Once this is accomplished I think I'll be ready to quell any small scale zombie invasions that come my way.