Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ps90: Countdown

Excitement is going off the charts as the days count down to the ps90.

Over the weekend I went to a gun show and picked up a few things in preparation.

50 round magazine in all its lovely rapid-bullet-dispensing glory:

Ammo and ammo cans in the true ex-military, unibomber style.

And here is a drawing of a target I drew up. The goal is to be able to get 3 headshots at 100yds in as many seconds. Once this is accomplished I think I'll be ready to quell any small scale zombie invasions that come my way.


Janelle Vigil said...

This is neat I cant wait to shoot the fuck out of that zombie! ps90 my stomach hurts for you...

Lauren said...

1. we need to hang out more in general.
2. we also need to hang out when you get the ps90 because i missed out many times on going to the shooting range with my friends in LA, and i wanna learn how to shoot awesome gunz.