Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Metropolis: 80% Complete

Ok, here's the apartment update.

In my first post I created an artist's rendering of how I anticipated the move-in going.

Here is the actual shot of all of my garbage loaded up in the place.

I think I hit the nail on the head. I have way too much crap and it started to really show when the whole floor was covered in boxes and I looked at how tiny my 2 closets were.

After much moving and arranging and arranging and moving I have finally got the place into its general shape. This shape of course excludes 2 very important items, couch and Tetris shelves. with those additions I should be finished with my lovely little sanctuary from the outside world.

Have a look see...

Ze view from ze 12th floor stairwell.

TV area with empty wall that Tetris shelves will call home.

Nick's rescued chair and fishtank area.

Compooter place and huge empty wall.

Spiffy new coffee table and rug.

BEDroom. Not much room for anything else. Lookin' a bit boring in there at present.

Bathroom/killing instruments.

Neato kitchen and it's even clean!

So yeah, that's that. Really loving this new place and would like to have you over assuming you don't mind sitting on the floor.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

FAME!!! (no fortune)

I always knew my day would come. Where someone would recognize my talents and launch my career into super stardom. Who figured it would be via the wireless industry though?

Me and Austin are the new edgy look of the CTIA wireless trade show it would seem. now just gotta wait for that royalty check to come in.... any day now....


Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Great Beard Off of '08

We're a bunch of fun lovin' folks here at Giant Interactive. We're also all guys. And what do a bunch of fun lovin' guys do for a good time when at work? We grow beards.

Starting today, the 5 of us in the office are on a strict no-shave policy until December the 19th. That's a good solid month of beard growing in anticipation for our Giant Holiday Card we are going to put together.

Here is where I stand currently...

And here is where I anticipate being...

Let the contest begin!

Friday, November 7, 2008

On the Road Again?

Its been a long while since I owned a car. For the most part I have enjoyed that fact. I have a couple of friends who have been willing to chauffeur me around on the rare occasion that I need something but after 2-3 years it gets a bit tiring for everyone involved. Its time to start driving again.

Ever since Austin got his bug we have been talking about forming our own miniature Bug Club and the other day, the opportunity for just such a club arose.

My friend at work Kevin tipped me off to a 1971 bug that his friend owns and is trying to get rid of quick. The price is right for the condition but swinging this purchase right in the middle of paying double rent for the move is going to be a very difficult maneuver.

I certainly do want to make this happen by pretty much any means. I've had a case of cabin fever for the last 4 months or so and I expect that may get worse for the first few month of living alone. I need wheels... I gots to be free.... Time to hit the open road... etc etc etc.. So if there is anyone who is willing to donate to the "Finally! I Don't Have to Give Alex Rides Anymore Fund" please call me asap.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Reflection

I think I have had about all I can handle as far as politics go right now. Traditionally I try to stay out of conversations regarding them because I know it'll just get heated and turn into a debate where no one is changing anyone's mind or just be a confirmation between two people that things suck and we both already agree.

Neither of these options have a grand solution, they just shorten your life and make you stressed worrying about all the bad things that could happen if (blank) get elected or the pass the new (blank) bill, so I stay out of it.

Of course its been pretty impossible to stay out of things this go round because its in everyone's faces in this ever so popular and easy "fuck bush" period. I do care about the issues and it is important to me to cast your vote and make a difference and all that crap but I swear I am about to burst at the seams after being force fed so much political jargon.

So I registered and voted for Obama (could be better, could be a lot worse) and every single day since I registered I have received 2 phone calls and 3-5 emails reminding me to vote, telling me how I can help Obama, asking if I want to volunteer and on and on and on to the point where I honestly wish I could retract my fucking vote.

Commercials, emails, TV shows, buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, billboards, phone calls, junk mail, pop-up ads etc etc etc.... Being in Denver of course only made things because of the DNC being here.

This ws my first time voting and I kinda wish I hadn't just to stick it to the candidates and say "If only you would have tried a little less hard, you might have had my vote."

I guess the next best thing I can do is to say this:

Obama, I don't like you as a person, you lack the experience to be at the helm, your policies are wrought with problems and incosistancies, and I only gave you a sympathy vote because you're black.

Eat that.

Tetris Bookcase: DO WANT Pt. Deux

Last night after work and before the crushing loss inflicted by my failed xbox, Austin, Nick and I went down to the shop and made a lot of progress on the Tetris shelves.

Fancy edge treatment for super sci-fi 3d appearance.

Corner cuts for fancy assembly.

Perfectly cut lovelyness.

Testing angle compatibility is FUN!Biscuit cutting test.
Biscuit cutting speed run world record holders: The Tetris Pit Crew.

Dry assembly tests... Starting to look a lot like TETRIS! FTW!

Hard Times

There is a constant battle going on for me, all day every day. It would seem that the heavens do not wish that I should be joyous and happy. Despite all their efforts I think I do a good job of keeping my head up. I take solace in the comforts of friends, music, art and video games...

That is until my xbox gives me the red ring of death as I try to sit down to enjoy some Six Feet Under. Just in time for Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Dead Space, Call of Duty 5 and the new Xbox Experience I might add.

Oh cruel fate, how you mock me.

Thanks a million Microsoft. I go out on a limb and step away from my Nintendo roots for you and this is how you repay me....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tetris Bookcase: DO WANT

The new apartment is going to be very cozy. Over the last 4 months I have been trying to downsize the amount of miscellaneous shit I have lying around which is particularly difficult for me being the past dwelling, sentimental slob that I am. In preparation and in my attempts to forge a new path for myself I have successfully sold, thrown away or otherwise downsized about 50% of the stuff that I own.

This bodes well for the move into an apartment 1/4 the size of my current one but still, with limited closet space i am going to have personal debris spewing out of every nook and cranny. As I go through piles of stuff I own I find plenty of stuff that I refuse to throw away like comic books, art supplies, reference books, old video games and the like. I never use this stuff but I can't seem to be rid of it so I have decided to put it all on display that it might get a second wind and see some use again.

When I started looking around for furniture I got it into my head that a Tetris bookcase would be awesome and fitting to house all of my dorky collectibles. I was quickly discouraged finding cheap plastic versions, Tetris-like but non Tetris specific versions, and kiddie playroom crap. Finally I found exactly what I wanted.

Well made, adult style Tetris shelves with individual pieces for custom stacking! Sadly I was again discouraged to find that this place had the nerve to charge 600 bucks apiece for these things. that means the set would be 6000 grand. What nerdy Tetris fan has 6000 bucks to drop on shelving? Absolutely absurd.

I of course decided this place was not deserving of my money and because of their insulting price tag that I would make direct rip offs of the shelves myself and this is where the quest really began. For 500 bucks or so I am making a full set of these myself.

Here is the first update on progress...

I drew up a few chicken scratch plans that I had Nick interpret and we begin figuring out plans for wood types, proper measurements etc. Baltic Birch was our wood of choice and over a couple of weekends we got the amounts we needed to make 2 of every Tetris piece.

On Sunday we headed down to the shop and started getting our preliminary cutting done. By we of course I mean Nick. He is the only one allowed to use the saw, in fact I don't think I am allowed to even be on the premises. (Not that I would use the saw even if I could. Destructive power tools like this are horrifying to me.)

This picture of Nick smiling was added to keep up the illusion that Nick enjoys spending his Sundays at school working on unpaid projects for me.

After a couple hours of carefully double and triple checking to make sure we didn't screw up, we ended up with this nice beautiful stack of perfectly cut wood. This is as far as we have gotten so far but I am already excited that they are beginning to take shape. More updates to come...