Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Austin's Bday/Diego Timeline

Last Saturday we threw a birthday party for Austin's 26th.

It was a grand old time and we had a good turnout considering how late I sent out invites. Thanks everyone who came out and made it wild time. Most of the first half of the night for me was spent running around like a crazy getting things together. By the time I had finally finished all the stuff I needed to get done, most of the people had left. I was just getting into the (sober) party mode and started to enjoy the company of my remaining friends.

One of our friends in particular on this night, reminded us how to party and have a blast. After witnessing his drinking, leaving, coming back, drinking, arguing, screaming, wrestling, air guitaring, puking, drinking more, dancing, rapping, and passing out at 6 am, I have a new found fondness and admiration for Diego.

Here are a few game highlights in no discernible order of our team's MVP...

Sorry Nick....

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